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SWEAR Constitution

Read below to find the Student Wellness Education And Resources (SWEAR) Committee Constitution. 


When joining the SWEAR Committee, members agree to abide by the constitution and fulfill their responsibilities as SWEAR members and representatives of their respective high schools. 

2024 - 2025

At the beginning of each school year, the SWEAR Committee must meet to discuss and adopt a yearly agenda. The agenda will include issues the committee hopes to address and goals that we hope to meet before the start of the following school year. The purpose of the agenda is to guide the SWEAR committee’s decision-making process and the work that is accomplished during the school year.

LEVEL 1: Safety on campuses

  • We will collaborate with each secondary school site in the San Diego Unified School District (SDUSD) to create a safe and welcoming space on each respective campus where students can turn to when feeling overwhelmed/anxious during school hours. SWEAR representatives at each school site will work with their Associated Student Body (ASB) and school administration to determine the logistics of their safe space.

  • With the implementation of each safe space on campus, students across the district will have a designated area on their campus to have a comfortable space and destress. The addition of a safe space on each secondary school site will equip students across the district with safe methods to approach any issue they encounter throughout the school year.

LEVEL 2: Teacher trainings

  • We will work to implement Youth Mental Health First Aid Training through Mental Health America San Diego for teachers in SDUSD in order to create a more open and safe environment on campuses. These trainings will equip teachers with the ability to recognize early signs of various mental health disorders, train them to engage with a student approaching them with mental health problems, as well as helping teachers feel more confident in supplying resources and referrals to students. 

  • We will promote these trainings to teachers and get as many SDUSD staff involved as possible. This will overall assist SWEAR’s goal of destigmatizing mental health and making mental health conversations easier to have on campus. Students should feel comfortable going to teachers and knowing they will be able to get the help that they need, and with this training we aim to make that a reality. 


LEVEL 3: Spreading awareness & resources​

  • SWEAR representatives will be more active on secondary school campuses in order to increase mental health awareness. We will work to have more of an impact directly on each individual campus by hosting events such as panels, hanging up infographics around campus, and giving speeches.

  • SWEAR will work to get more in touch with each school SWEAR club in order to increase awareness of our committee and the events that we hold. This will result in more attention being brought to mental health issues within the youth as more people become aware of SWEAR’s mission. Each school club will be regularly updated on SWEAR’s agenda and will be encouraged to participate in our community events, increasing participation. 

Previous Agendas

2023 - 2024

LEVEL 1: Education

  • We will work to expand access and communication regarding mental health support resources in order to enable all students in the district to use those resources whenever they are needed. This will broaden student knowledge surrounding topics of mental health and wellness, promoting awareness within the student body.

  • We aim to complete the development of the previously drafted mental health curriculum and implement it for all applicable grade levels in all schools across SDUSD. Accomplishing this will allow SWEAR to reach its goal of providing comprehensive, research-based mental health education to all students.​


LEVEL 2: Community Outreach  

  • We will connect with outside organizations to provide more resources for students and continue to gain support for mental health advocacy. SWEAR representatives will participate in discourse with leaders within these organizations to discern how best to support their peers. 

  • To disperse knowledge topics such as wellness strategies, mental health legislation, and advocacy updates, we will host social media campaigns to engage SDUSD’s student body. This will allow SWEAR to remain connected with the students we represent while aiding community development.


LEVEL 3: Safety on campuses​

  • We will collaborate with each secondary school site in the San Diego Unified School District (SDUSD) to create a safe and welcoming space on each respective campus where students can turn to when feeling overwhelmed/anxious during school hours. SWEAR representatives at each school site will work with their Associated Student Body (ASB) and school administration to determine the logistics of their safe space.

  • With the implementation of each safe space on campus, students across the district will have a designated area on their campus to have a comfortable space and destress. The addition of a safe space on each secondary school site will equip students across the district with safe methods to approach any issue they encounter throughout the school year.

2022 - 2023

LEVEL 1: Education

  • We will work to expand access and communication regarding mental health support resources in order to enable all students in the district to use those resources whenever they are needed. This will broaden student knowledge surrounding topics of mental health and wellness, promoting awareness within the student body.

  • We aim to complete the development of the previously drafted mental health curriculum and implement it for all applicable grade levels in all schools across SDUSD. Accomplishing this will allow SWEAR to reach its goal of providing comprehensive, research-based mental health education to all students.​


LEVEL 2: Community Outreach  

  • We will connect with outside organizations to provide more resources for students and continue to gain support for mental health advocacy. SWEAR representatives will participate in discourse with leaders within these organizations to discern how best to support their peers. 

  • To disperse knowledge topics such as wellness strategies, mental health legislation, and advocacy updates, we will host social media campaigns to engage SDUSD’s student body. This will allow SWEAR to remain connected with the students we represent while aiding community development.


LEVEL 3: School-site Development​

  • We will expand the student-led presence of SWEAR on each school site via clubs and similar groups that are led by SWEAR representatives and other student leaders. This presence at each school will facilitate any SWEAR district-wide and/or site-based mental health advocacy events and campaigns, and relay messages about mental health to the student body to foster support and raise awareness. 

  • With the support of the committee, SWEAR representatives will continue to be active advocates for student mental health at their respective school sites. They will communicate with both students and staff, specifically through attending staff and PTA meetings, to engage with their community and enact change.

2021 - 2022

LEVEL 1: Start in-person clubs on campus

  • Advertisement & social media account (Approval is necessary).

  • Schedule a meeting with your high school’s administration and counseling to (re)introduce the student-run group and establish a partnership. (Ask about school site wellness committee).

  • Present at a staff meeting about mindfulness and mental health practices in classrooms.

  • Lead campus-wide activities and engagement opportunities.


LEVEL 2: Community Engagement  

  • Participating and presenting about SWEAR in programs at your local high schools (ex. What I Wish My Parents Knew).

  • Communicating with parents about student mental health.


LEVEL 3: Middle School Expansion​

  • Reach out to feeder middle school administration and counseling to introduce the group and establish a partnership.

  • Begin reaching out to students via teachers, administration messaging, reaching students directly, etc.

2020 - 2021

LEVEL 1: Establish student-run groups (clubs) at each San Diego Unified School District (SDUSD) high school

  • SWEAR Committee members will schedule a meeting with their respective high school’s administration and counseling to introduce the student-run group and establish a partnership.

  • SWEAR Committee members will organize with other students on their school site to form an official club dedicated to promoting wellness education and increasing access to mental health resources.

  • Because of the transition to online learning, the individual student-run groups will be advertised on campus and districtwide through social media. The SWEAR Committee will utilize the central @swear.sdusd account and each school’s Associated Student Body (ASB). Members are also allowed to create individual social media accounts for their school.


LEVEL 2: Incorporate mindfulness meditation and wellness strategies into classroom activities 

  • On the school level, SWEAR Committee members will attend staff and Parent-Teacher Association (PTA) meetings to introduce the SWEAR Committee and share classroom practices that can be implemented. The presentations aim to help teachers create an atmosphere of understanding and ensure the mental wellness of students during distance learning.

  • On the district level, the SWEAR Committee will find and/or create mindfulness and wellness videos to be taught in Physical Education (PE) classes. This is part of SWEAR’s mission to incorporate mental health into San Diego Unified education standards.


LEVEL 3: Increase professional education on mental health illnesses and disorders, as well as coping and wellness strategies​

  • ​SWEAR Committee members will open discussions with their school administration to hold assemblies and keynote presentations on mental health and wellness.

  • The SWEAR Committee will collaborate with the University of California San Diego and Rady Children’s Hospital to support the curriculum, hold presentations and workshops, and provide mental health resources.

  • Instagram
  • Twitter

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