Our Work
Here is a record of SWEAR's generational achievements, starting with the 2020-2021 school year! This page is ongoing and will be continuously updated by the SWEAR team.
2023 - 2024

What I Wish my Teachers Knew
SWEAR hosted a second roundtable event in collaboration with the UC San Diego Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Inclusive Excellence Program (CAPIE). Utilizing art pieces submitted by SDUSD students, discussion was held regarding the theme of youth mental health. Afterwards, brainstorming sessions were held to create solutions to reoccurring issues addressed in these art pieces, with the goal of implementing these solutions into San Diego's communities and schools.

In-person Meetings
For the first year since the creation of the committee, SWEAR hosted in-person meetings for the committee to attend. With the ability to meet face-to-face and discuss, friendships between the representatives were encouraged and the connection between the committee grew closer than ever before
2022 - 2023

SWEAR x UCSD Roundtable Event
In collaboration with the UC San Diego Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Inclusive Excellence Program (CAPIE), SWEAR
hosted it's first-ever in-person roundtable event. The event was held with the intention of increasing necessary discussion surrounding youth mental health. The event was open to all UCSD medical and SDUSD students.

#HalfTheStory Event
Along with digital non-profit #HalfTheStory, SWEAR hosted a screen-free event at San Diego High School, a secondary school apart of SDUSD. #HalfTheStory is the first and largest digital non-profit dedicated to wellness and fighting the youth mental health crisis. Together, #HalfTheStory and SWEAR raised $10,000 for youth mental health.
2021 - 2022

What I Wish my Parents Knew
Utilizing results from a student survey on burnout, SWEAR organized a webinar for youth and their parents. The event featured a presentation from Dr. Desiree Shapiro, a Child & Adolescent Psychiatry Specialist, as well as a student panel answering questions about the youth experience with academic burnout. The public dialogue provided insight to parents about student's experience with burnout throughout the school year.

March for Mental Health
In May of 2022, the SWEAR committee gathered with fellow SDUSD students, staff, and other county supporters for the March for Mental Health. Participants heard from various student speakers on their personal journeys with mental health and the need for a change in the way it is addressed in schools. Attendees then peacefully marched around the building, calling for additional student support and resources. Finally, they gathered to complete wellness-based enrichment activities.
2020 - 2021

10 Days of Winter Wellness Challenge
Our Winter Wellness Challenge of 2020 aimed to inspire students to practice mindfulness over the course of ten days. Featuring instagram takeovers from our very own committee members, SWEAR was able to provide resources corresponding to the day's activity. A special thanks goes out to Dominique Hensler for supplying prizes for our mental health champions!

Mental Health Days Resolution
The SWEAR Committee helped Student Board Member Zachary Patterson with passing and implementing his resolution recognizing student health and wellbeing on January 26th. The resolution changes the SDUSD absence code to allow excused absences for mental health reasons and formally supports Senate Bill 14. S.B.14Â changes the state absence code to allow excused absences for mental health and requires that at least 50% of school employees be trained in mental health first aid. This act is monumental in creating a positive learning environment for students and eliminating the stigma surrounding mental health.

New SWEAR Logo
Our SWEAR Committee held a logo contest to find an eye-catching and memorable student-made logo for SWEAR. Our winner was an incredible design by Herbert Hoover High School student, Joel Castro!
We are so proud!

Self-Esteem Week
SWEAR representatives and SDUSD students shared their tips and tricks for how they boost their self-confidence during National Self-Esteem Month. Check out our instagram to view the event posts and resources!